Friday, March 30, 2012

Park Day with Ladybugs

This week we spent learning all about lady bugs. We read lots of lady bug books, including Grouchy Ladybug and Lara Ladybug. We talked about how lady bugs are important to gardens, since they eat bugs, but not plants. They don't harm the garden and clean the garden of other bugs that DO harm the garden.

We made these fun lady bugs.
Then, we got to play with real live lady bugs at the park. We bought 1500 ladybugs from a local nursery.
Yes, they really all fit in this little container.
We set up a small tent, and released the ladybugs in the tent, making a lady bug tent for the preschoolers to go inside. They went inside two at a time.
The lady bugs flew to the top of the tent, and crawled around in the grass on the ground (the tent had no bottom and was simply staked into the grass). The preschoolers had ladybugs on their clothes, in their hair, and crawling up and down their arms and legs.
Many lady bugs escaped and crawled around on the outside of the tent. They escaped under the tent, too, and the preschoolers waiting to go inside the tent, found plenty of bugs to play with on the outside, which helped them be patient.
It took some convincing for some, but after some time, everyone adjusted to the tickley bugs crawling all over them and had fun. There were lots of giggles and smiles as we enjoyed our "bug day" trip to the park.

Slowly, the lady bugs flew away to freedom! And eventually, the tent emptied of all of the little critters. By then, everyone was hungry, tired, and ready for a drink. So, we had our snack at the park before heading back to class.
What a fun day!! Memories were created that will last a life time and that is what preschool is all about!

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