Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Caterpillars are not Caterpillars Anymore!

Finally, after about 9 days, our caterpillars crawled to the top of their container and hung upside down, just like the books we've been reading said they would. The preschoolers got to see them as they were changing and were as amazed as I was!
By Tuesday night, all five caterpillars had moved into the chrysalis stage.
When the children drew the pictures of their caterpillars and Wednesday, many of them drew caterpillars, like they had been doing last week. Unfortunately, there were no caterpillars, just chrysalises, so they had to draw their picture over again. It was fun to see them understand what was really happening.
We talked a lot about the four stages butterflies go through. Then, we cut out pictures of the stages and had to put them in order. This was a lot harder than it looked.
It won't be long now... We'll have butterflies before we know it!!

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