Today, the preschoolers were so funny!! They wanted to make a train. So, Miss Julie helped them set up a train in the hallway. The teacher chair was the driver seat and all of the smaller kiddo chairs were lined up behind it.

The driver picked where they were heading. We went everywhere from Grandma's house to Walmart to Disneyland and everything in between. The passengers all read books while they waited for their chance to drive. As one driver stepped down, everyone would move up one seat, and a new driver would get a turn.
This was soooooo cute!! It was totally "kid done", but took some facilitating by the teacher to work out the kinks. This is what is meant by a "play based preschool"! We take their ideas and facilitated the learning. The kids were reading, sharing, taking turns, ordering, and discussing social studies as they talked about their community and experiences. It was great!! It caused us to run extremely late, because we let them continue to play longer than usual, but still great!! And totally worth running late for.
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