Monday, August 30, 2010


This week, as we talk about things we see in the sky at night, we are talking about animals that might be in the night sky. The two animals we are focusing on are bats and owls. All of the children have loved the switch to animals!! It has been fun to see them get so excited!

We started by reading the book Stellaluna about a bat that gets separated from her mother when she is very young and is raised by birds until she is old enough to fly. As she is flying one night, she runs into bats and talks to them about her life only to discover her mother is with them. Her mother then teaches her how to be a bat since she has been trying to be like her bird family all of her life.

The children sat still and listened as I read, which doesn't always happen. At the end of the story, I asked what we know about bats now from reading the story and they could tell me characteristics of a bat, like how they slept and what they ate and how they could fly at night even though it was dark. I was quite impressed!

Then we made bats with googly eyes using our hand prints as wings. This was another fun project where they were able to practice their fine motor skills and take home something they were excited to share with their families. (These bats were hanging on the white board. A child flipped them all upside down and then explained that bats hang upside down, so he fixed them for us. So cute!)

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