Friday, August 13, 2010

Funny Stories

Today we layed in the grass and looked up into the sky. We talked about what we saw in the sky and, of course, we watched the clouds. We talked about what the clouds looked like to us. Some people said they saw turtles, others saw a rocket ship. It was cute to hear them decide what they saw. After, we did an art project using cotton balls to show what we saw in the clouds. As one little boy worked he said, "Hey, I really need more 'coppen' balls!" Miss Julie and I giggled as he continued to call the cotton balls, 'coppen balls'. I love to be surrounded by these little ones everyday.

As we began our centers today, one boy said, "Do we really have to do this writing our name stuff? Can't we just have our snack already??" How do you keep a straight face when he was so grown up about it? He did finish his name and all of the rest of his projects before getting his snack. But, of course, was thrilled when it was finally snack time.

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