Thursday, August 19, 2010


To build our classroom communittee, we read the book, The Sneetches, by Dr. Seuss. It is a great story about some animals who live together. Some of them have stars on their bellies, some of them do not. The star-bellied-Sneetches think they are better than the ones without stars. So, a stranger comes to town to make a quick buck and brings with him a star machine. He takes off stars and puts on stars back and forth until nobody remembers who is better than who. It is a great story about it not mattering what we look like on the outside.
When we were all finished reading, we made Sneetch bellies with stars on them. Everyone got to pick out how many stars they wanted on their belly. They were so cute!! Then, they colored Sneetches, too. I noticed as I hung them up in our classroom just how different each one was.
There is a movie of the Sneetches you can watch on You Tube. It is split into two sections and is labelled 1/2 and then 2/2. You children will love it!

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