Saturday, September 17, 2011

Making Faces... Preschool Bloopers

Today, we made faces! I've never laughed so hard in all my life!! Miss Brittany will atest to that, I'm sure. I had to show her what was making me laugh, and then she laughed right along with me. It was such a fun day!!

The face shape was already pre-printed on the card stock. The eyes, ears, noses, and mouths were pre-cut, too, so the preschoolers only had to color and glue the pieces into the right spots on the face. Of course, they all knew what to do and knew where everything went, for the most part. However, the ears seemed to cause problems. They knew where they went, but they were tricky to get just right!

I have to share with you some of the bloopers. They were so fun! Of course, we fixed these, as we explained the problem with the child and in most cases, they laughed, too.

Here is an example of the ears being placed too high, sort of reminded us of Shrek.
Then, here is an example of crying ears, instead of tears.
Next, are some backwards ears.
And last, are some upside down, backwards ears.
All in all, most of these faces were quite creepy once they were finished. But everyone was super proud of their face and couldn't wait to show their families what they had made. What a fun and simple activity to end the unit on our bodies!!

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